A surprising early morning acquaintance
This morning I met our newspaper delivery guy for the first time.
I live in this apartment for almost a year, I am waking up each day before dawn, meditate and right after start my daily writings, usually during this writing session, from my corner in the living room, I hear the elevator opening then hurried steps to the door and a slight slam when the newspaper hits the floor, I finish the sentence or paragraph I am writing, then open the door, grab the newspaper, as a ritual I scan the headlines in the front page, rarely I read a full article, I usually put the newspaper aside, go back to my writings and return to read it after breakfast. But this morning, surprise, I woke up relatively late for me at around 530 AM, with first light, when I prepared my morning coffee I heard the elevator, or thought I had heard it, then a few minutes after, I opened the door to grab my newspaper and there he was, staring at me the newspaper guy, wearing a mask and holding my newspaper.
Good morning, I said to him
Good morning, he replied, he seemed a bit scared and embarrassed, holding the newspaper in his hand he thought to through it but as he saw me he stepped forward, stretched his hand to avoid entering into the social distancing zone and handed the newspaper to me.
Thanks, I said, it is the first time...
It is my birthday today, he said
It was so surprising to hear that, suddenly he wasn’t a random anonymous newspaper distributor, but a frightened young man celebrating his birthday in front of a stranger.
What about a birthday coffee, I asked
No, you know, I have a lot of newspapers...
Common, I urged him, this is your birthday, you won’t remember another newspaper you delivered but you definitely remember a client offering you a fresh morning coffee for your birthday in those crazy Corona days
I appreciate that but...
2 minutes and you are gone, this is the best way to start the day especially a birthday
Ok, he said
What is your name
You can take your mask off. Black or Cappuccino?
Black, please
Sure, and how old are you?
21 I was just released from the army
And where have you served?
Artillery battalion 405 at the Golan Heights
It was my battalion too
Really? What was your role there?
I served as a platoon commander, then deputy battalion commander at battalion 407
Really? What rank did you have?
Major. Sugar?
No sugar, thanks, have you been in Lebanon?
Yes, a long time ago, before you were born, I arrived at the barracks at Mount Odem but soon found myself in Lebanon
I know, this is part of the battalion legacy, many images from the war there in the battalion heritage room
Here, I handed Ronen the fresh coffee in a disposable cup.
I really thank you, Major, it is so special for me, nobody ever invited me for coffee during work, I usually don’t meet my clients, he smiled for the first time.
Have a great birthday Ronen, and have magic in your life.