The FLY method is an intuitive immediate way of self-expression. In the FLY method, there is the usage of contradicting, flowing colors on surfaces mastered by sticks, because of the rare combination of acrylics, cold tar, and oil colors there are always unexpected happenings and insights. FLY workshops participants tend to get emotional and inspired from the first actions and happenings on the canvas, I noticed that this stops them from proceeding to the next level or layer on the canvas as well in the physical world, expressing themselves to the outer world and being with clarity to themselves, all those thoughts and emotions are displayed on the canvas as well as the level of openness and self-confidence.
This is an important issue that has to do with our fixations in life, and our openness to new experiences. It is all about reality perception, most people would tend to stay in their comfort zone and not make any changes in their lives, this is a natural human habit, stay in the same place and do what you are accustomed to doing, meet with the same people and eat the same regular food, few dare to make changes in their lives very few make radical changes and turn to be models for others to follow. At this point, a question may arise, how do all those conclusions arise from pouring colors on a canvas?
I’ll elaborate on this important subject.
There are the sights we see, the emotions we feel, and the world outside us that we grasp and can be defined as our reality perception, but the real question is what is the source of all this? The eyes see a tree but what made us being there and point our eyes in the direction of the tree, the eyes don’t decide what to see, it is like the car doesn’t decide where to drive(maybe in a few years it will). The same with the hands and fingers, in the FLY workshops I sense the initial struggle of those that never experienced canvases and paints, a common response I hear from those ‘tabula rasa’ people is ‘it is not for me I have never painted before, well, those are the people that benefit the most out of experiencing the FLY method. There has to be this first jump into the waters, and then the strive to continue the self-exploration, the more we get dirty with colors from the outside there is a feeling of cleanliness from the inside and a feeling of achievement, it is not only the ‘I did it’ sense, but the fact that we endured and strived to do something we are not accustomed to doing, that is not on our daily basis routine. A feeling of special moments to be remembered. My belief is that those that prefer to stay clean and avoid the messy aspects of life don’t really live. The real question is not if there is life after death but whether is there life before death.
Back to the question what is the source?
We operate from our consciousness which is our awareness about our body and the relations to the world outside us but what really motivates us is the unconscious which is the assembly of thoughts feelings and instincts that make us dream, aspire and express ourselves in our lives and on our canvases, so it is not the hand that picks the color, and not the fingers that hold the stick to manipulate the colors on the canvas, but our inner assembly that can be called the unconsciousness or the flow of life that make it to happen by ‘it’ I mean any kind of creativity or new thought or actions.
When people work on the canvases in the FLY method, they spill out their unconsciousness, I led many FLY workshops around the globe and I’m always amazed by the outcome, the variety, the creativity, and the sheer joy we experience, to create in this way is liberating our soul, the colors and forms on the canvas relate to our state of emotions and mind, each layer refines us, in each layer, there are new inspiring revelations and in the end, it is our private creation that we can offer to share with other human beings.
falling in love with the first layer is another sort of fixation, better than not attending the workshop at all, but still, this kind of attitude doesn’t allow us to explore and grow, to try new experiences to allow us the freedom to fully express ourselves. It is like saying ‘I’m so happy as a child I don’t want to grow, and better I skip the adulthood part in my life. Nature shows us that there’s time for everything, it might seem limited but in rare moments in which we live fully in the moment, without glancing at our virtual reality devices, it is a precious time of eternity, a moment lived fully is like the endless energy encapsulated in one atom. A nuclear bomb is about releasing this energy, unfortunately for deadly reasons, a nuclear plant is about releasing this energy for light and progress and a nuclear life is about releasing the power of life that with the tuning fork principle would resonate with cosmic energy.