The boat on the great lake
Ancient Egyptian mythology is based on the underworlds or parallel existences that are present in each human life. In their mythology the human race is but a branch of other developed intelligence that lives on another planet in our galaxy, there are no papyruses that mention rockets or spaceships, but there are few writings that were found in tombs and in the Egyptian book of the dead that depicts the arrival of this tribe with a great boat through the great lake. The captain of the boat was Ra — the supreme Sun god, whose name means, the creative power or the creator. The Ancient Egyptians call themselves, the Cattle of Ra. Ra is sometimes confused with his grand grandson Horus, they both represent the Sun power symbolizing creation. While flying in the skies the boat was called MADJET which means, empowering, this is related to day time when the Sun is visible, during the night the boat landed and is called Semektet, becoming weak.
The Egyptian boat was a solar chariot dominated by Atum the Sun god during the day and Sekhmet the lioness during the night. The night god is Hathor symbolized by the cow that takes over in the dark; the Sun like human life has its cycles of birth and rebirth, night-Hathor, day-Atum.
The boat journey symbolizes the eternal human struggle and cycle of life. In this boat there are gods that help navigate as Maat and Thoth and the navigating fish that swam in front of the boat Abtu and Ant, there were some respected guests on the ship as Sia- intelligence, Hike — magic, Upuaut — direction finder, Apep — the most powerful god of darkness represented by the crocodile.
Every night there was a fight between the captain and navigators, Ra, Maat, Thoth, Abtu, Ant, and Sia to Apep representing darkness and destructive energy. The Sun would rise only if the good positive energy overcomes the bad destructive dark energy, light overcomes darkness, the new day is the expression of an eternal fight between the seen world represented by the Sun and the unseen represented by Apep the dark energy that opposes light and progression. It is not that there would ever be a final combat with a clear winner, this fight, this struggle, is an eternal human journey manifestation representing the contradicting forces in the seen and unseen worlds and in human life.
In Ancient Egyptian mythology, bad and good as life and death are but different manifestations of the creative force, on Planet Earth every struggle looks gigantic but from far away in the middle of the Milky Way Galaxy — the Ancient Egyptian big lake homeland — those struggles are unseen and unimportant, as there is a new day so there will be a new life, as there is night and sleeping time so there is a period of dreaming in other worlds that in our world is called wrongly death. The gods in the Egyptian myths represent pure powers that dominate human life. The Egyptian book of the dead is not about legends but about, emotions, fear, hope, creativity, and spiritual growth that reside alive or dormant in every human life.
Ra can’t have a ship without Apep, as Apep can’t express itself without a concrete boat on a journey from day to night, night and day. Progress and withdrawal are not contradicting forces, but natural essences constructing each human life, therefore they are the inhabitants of Ra’s boat, the fact that the Sun still rises every morning says that Ra, Maat, Abtu, Thoth, Ant, Hike, and Sia are winning so far. But nothing is guaranteed.