Human life is not a straight line.
It starts in the sperm-ovum bondage. Conception marks the beginning of the miraculous formation of the physical human body. It continues as a rapid growth of the embryo in the womb. Birth marks the appearance of a child into this world with a name and from this moment on there is a constant development in mass and size until adulthood in a formed self-functioning entity.
With the physical growth there are major changes in the brain, senses, emotions and perception. The adult human being is aware and receptive of the world around them and thus able to exchange and communicate their thoughts and feelings.
The third level of development is the human essence. The spirit absorbs all activities and thoughts and translates them into potential progress. The aim of the spirit is refinement.
The physical body functions on a survival basis and operates as vehicle for the spirit.
There is the brain that conducts all human activities, thoughts and feelings.
And there is the spirit nourished by the electrical emanation that the brain produces.
The human journey is spiral shaped which starts in conception and growth and then develops until the full human body is formed. It keeps the same form for about 40 years and starts to decay until the evaporation of the physical form.
In this process of growth and expansion, data and knowledge play a major part in the human experience. Human beings are fast learners. The brain adopts repetitive patterns to collect, absorb and decipher vast information from the outer world and translates it into the activation of intuition, feelings, memories, writing, art, and other human activities culminating in sharing with other human beings.
From the first cell to the complex growth of the human body, the energetic process is exponential and thus spiral in shape.
The full picture of human life is not terminated by the end of the physical journey, it continues to another spiral that forms the new host of the same spirit. All those spirals are connected by a myriad of threads depicting the connections between the generations. In this visual picture we can imagine a large number of inner lighted snails connected to other snails by colored thin cords.
have magic in your life
Ted Barr